exhibition: Recordando a Diana



  • client Museo de la Moda
  • location / year Santiago / 2017
  • museography / production Amercanda
  • limarí collaborators Pía Andrade, Teresa Barahona, Felipe Grandón, Bárbara Marambio
  • external collaborator Docevolts: Francisca Mackenzie, Francisca Nicoletti
  • paisajista photos Aryeh Kornfeld


  • 2018 Selection Ibero-American Biennial of Lighting Design Iluminet Awards - Iluminet Awards

It was very rewarding on this museum project to incorporate specialty lighting at the beginning of creative process.

The main challenge was to create a sense of spaciousness in a small area.

As a team we came to the idea of a "mirror salon" which allows a glimpse into the spaces that Diana wore the dresses.

At the same time, the mirrors create a sense of a larger overall space.

We complemented the proposal with the idea of a bright white floor, bathed in overhead light, to create a shining effect and a larger perception of space.


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