kaukari urban park

urbanism and landscaping


  • client SERVIU, Región Atacama
  • location / year Copiapó, Región Atacama, Chile / 2015
  • urbanism / landscape Teodoro Fernández Aquitectos
  • photos Philippe Blanc


  • 2020 Best Public Space Project Communal Scale - PAU - Premio Aporte Urbano

Conceptually, lighting declines as a slope from the most illuminated areas with the highest traffic adjacent to the city, to the most natural areas near the riverbed where no electrical lighting is contemplated in consideration for the environment.

The architects created nighttime activity spaces where the lighting integrates into the architectural elements.

The project meets the requirements of Decree 43 about light pollution for the protection of the skies and biodiversity, avoiding emissions in the upper hemisphere.

Also, only the necessary areas are illuminated and darkness is reincorporated in the biodiversity.


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