Su vertical nos retiene

Architecture, urbanism and landscaping


  • Location / Year Cerrillos, Santiago. 2019
  • team limarí Bárbara Marambio
  • Artist Fernando Prats
  • architecture Cruz Mandiola y Elton Leniz
  • Photos Aryeh Kornfeld
  • Instruments DGA


  • 2021 Selection Ibero-American Biennial of Lighting Design Iluminet Awards - Iluminet
  • 2020 Low Budget Project of the Year / Commended - LDA Lighting Design Awards
  • 2020 Second Place / Art: Low Budget - Darc Awards
  • 2020 Winner / Energy Saving Lighting - LIT Lighting Design Awards
  • 2020 Selección BID - Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño de Madrid
  • 2020 Longlisted - Dezeen Awards
  • 2020 Awards of Merit/Energy And Environmental Lighting - IES Iluminating Engineering Society
  • 2020 Shortlisted Low Budget Project of the Year - LDA Lighting Design Awards

We were invited to participate in this work by the winning team of a public contest developed by the MOP in the framework of COP25.

The challenges to solve with the design team were:

Create an enriching experience for the visitor both from a distance and when walking through the work space.

Care for the environment by avoiding light pollution and optimizing energy consumption.

Carefully integrate the lighting system into the sculptural work


Una de las claves del proyecto fue la producción técnica, nuestra colaboradora Bárbara Marambio tuvo que resolver con el equipo de diseño todos los detalles constructivos de instalación de las luminarias y encontrar la única grúa que permitiría que nuestro equipo realice el montaje y la regulación de las luminarias en la parte superior de las columnas a los 15 metros de altura!

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