we are an independent lighting workshop, internationally awarded, founded in 1993 in paris, installed more than 20 years ago in santiago de chile.


pascal chautard

lighting designer and founder of limarí.

Performs the administration, coordination and supervision of projects. Founding partner of limarí.
about pascal
Amateur photographer, passionate about both constructed spaces and the natural environments that surround us. Convinced that together we can build a better world from the perspective in which human beings are an integral part of nature.
caro 2

Carolina Roese

lighting designer, workshop manager

Architect and urban planner, Universidade Luterana do Brasil. Postgraduate degree in lighting, Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz, São Paulo, Brasil. Her work is concentrated in the design area as workshop coordinator. In limarí since April 2009.
about caro
She came to Chile casually; she stayed because she was seduced by the idea of developing her career abroad. Together with her work in limarí, she has participated in the organization of the Ibero-American Meeting of Lighting Design since 2010, an organization she is passionate about and allows her the opportunity to be connected with colleagues from Latin America, mainly from Brazil. Personally, she loves to travel, cook and spend time with friends around a table.

felipe grandón

lighting designer, in charge of projects

Graduated in Acting and Diploma in Architectural Lighting from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His work focuses on the design area, as a project manager. Works in limarí since January 2015.
about feli
He arrived to architectural lighting from his experience on stage, as an actor and musician. Together with his work in limarí, he develops his artistic career in an independent and self-managed way. To date, he has released two albums and an EP.

bárbara marambio

lighting designer, in charge of projects

Architect from the school of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Arquitectura de Chile, her work focuses on the area of lighting design. She works in limarí since May 2017.
about barbi
It all started with a professional internship that should have lasted two months however culminated in Barbi’s return to limarí to stay. It was here that she learned to interact honestly and collaborate with different professionals, making her stay a constant learning experience. Her personal life is full of love for cats, video games, dancing and food – no meat or dairy, of course!

enrique trejo

in charge of electric installation

Electrical Technician. His work is focused on project execution as the electrical installation, assembly and maintenance manager. At with limarí since June 2018.
about enrique
He appreciates being in the company of his family and is a dedicated father who likes to play with his son. Living life based on love and peace is his daily goal. He loves cycling and takes his bike everywhere in his daily tasks. Enjoys good cuisine, mainly Peruvian dishes.

Carolyn Guzman

encargada de administración

Degree in Food Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Carolyn works in Limarí as head of administration since August 2021.
about carolyn
After many years of work in the food service management field, she decides to try other areas. Thus, she joins limarí looking for a good work environment where she can develop he career and contribute to the team. Carolyn likes to travel, she loves nature and going on walks with her family, whether to a hill or to the beach. She also really enjoys swimming, spending time with friends and walking her dog in the park.
Kari Color_1

karina hyland

lighting designer junior

Multidisciplinary designer from Universidad Católica de Chile. In 2020 she obtained a master degree in Interactive Telecommunications from New York University. Part of the lighting design team since 2023 at Limarí.
about kari
Passionate about music and stages, since 2016 has joined live music shows through the control of the lighting board at night and over the weekends. During the day, she has worked in the development of interactive experiences from the web to museums, or anything related to new technologies. She lived 6 months in Norway and then 2 years in New York. The excuse was to study, but she really wanted to travel around the world.

Constanza Yáñez

lighting designer

Architect from Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y Diseño Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. Master of Science in Light & Lighting, University College London. Her work focuses on the area of lighting design. In limarí since July 2021 to 2023.
about coni
After several years working in architecture, she discovered her interest in the area of lighting. She joined limarí when the quarantine restrictions began to be lifted, finding a space to develop her career and learn. She loves crafts, enjoys running, going on hikes and being near the sea.

consuelo miranda

architect, lighting designer

Architect from Facultad de Arquitectura e diseño, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Her work focuses on the area of lighting design. Works in limarí from November 2018 to 2020.
about consu
She arrived at limarí by luck and currently she is taking a few months off sabbatical during the height of the pandemic. She is a fan of sport climbing, mountain life and, above all, laughter and good conversation.

pascal chautard

pascal chautard


Carolina Roese

Carolina Roese


felipe grandón

felipe grandón


bárbara marambio

bárbara marambio


enrique trejo

enrique trejo


Carolyn Guzman

Carolyn Guzman


karina hyland

karina hyland


Constanza Yáñez

Constanza Yáñez

consuelo miranda

consuelo miranda

our vision

the light like a experience

We believe that light is capable of generating unique experiences in people’s lives. We support the management of light and dark for the creation of different sensory atmospheres.

the environment as a commitment

We are convinced that our work carries a huge social responsibility. We are dedicated to caring for the environment and respecting communities and their identity.

design: a process collaborative

It is fundamental to use dynamic participation, cooperation and the creation of dialogues between all the members of the design team, thus collaborating in a transversal way.

we are Limarí

Our work methodology


we aim to understand the client, their vision, their needs

we look for the DNA of each project, we study its context

we analyze and define the elements to be promoted


we conduct an exhaustive group creative process

we develop a complete concept proposal


we communicate the concepts to the client and the design team

we generate consensus to jointly define the project development strategy


we research technical solutions through simulations and models

we document the technical project  in detail and precision

we supervise and assess the execution of the project on site until completion